Episode 65

Do The Demons Know Your Name?

Published on: 16th April, 2024

Join us as Gio delves deep into a compelling sermon exploring our spiritual battles and identities. The sermon, “Do the Demons Know Your Name?” investigates the powerful notion of being known by the spiritual realm and its implications on our daily walk with God. Reflecting on the scriptures from Acts 19 and insights from various biblical figures like Paul and Job, Gio encourages us to scrutinize our relationship with God and the spiritual warfare we are all part of.

Throughout the sermon, Gio eloquently intertwines tales of biblical characters and profound theological concepts to address the stark realities of living in a world where both divine and demonic forces are at play. He poses a vital question to each of us: how well do the forces of darkness know us, and what does that say about our lives and choices? Using a rich tapestry of biblical narratives, Gio discusses the different names and roles of our adversaries, emphasizing the importance of knowing who we are in Christ to withstand the wiles of the devil.

This sermon is not just a call to awareness but a profound reminder of the power of Jesus' name, which every knee shall bow to—including those in the spiritual realm. Whether you are deeply entrenched in your faith or just starting your spiritual journey, this message is a crucial watch for anyone ready to face their inner and outer demons with faith and courage.

Tune in to understand why and how our spiritual recognition matters and learn to live a life that ensures, indeed, the demons know your name for the right reasons.

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The Woodlands Messenger
Sermons and devotional based on a Biblical Worldview!
This podcast serves the church by carrying its sermons devotional thoughts and round table discussions all based on a biblical worldview.

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Gio Marin